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News for Immediate Release

February 3, 2025

Harrisburg – PHC4 has created a survey to understand the prevalence and gain insight on non-compete agreements impacting health care professionals in PA. The organization plans to use the findings to inform a broader effort; the study of the impact of Act 74,Fair Contracting for Health Care Practitioners Act on the Commonwealth.

PHC4’s survey of licensed health care professionals in Pennsylvania is intended to aid in studying the occurrence of non-compete agreements from 2025 to 2027. This first survey collection period is planned for February 15, 2025, through April 15, 2025. The intended respondents are those health care practitioners that currently provide, or have provided in the past, hands-on patient care in the Commonwealth.

The survey intends to collect several relevant data points which are needed to study the impact of this legislation. This information will be assessed in addition to remarks collected during an initial comment period offered by PHC4 to gather the thoughts of the general public, which ended October 21, 2024. Collecting input from Pennsylvania’s stakeholders is paramount in evaluating the relevance of this new requirement through Act 74 of 2024 which is why PHC4 plans to analyze this survey against a second round of survey data collection that will occur in 2027.

PHC4 believes this effort directly coincides with its mission to empower Pennsylvanians through transparency, providing access to data, research, analysis, and reporting focused on the cost, utilization, and quality of health care delivery in the Commonwealth. Barry D. Buckingham, Executive Director at PHC4, stated, “PHC4’s value to the Commonwealth is undeniable, our team is proud to work diligently in support of the betterment of every person in Pennsylvania.”

PHC4 is an independent council formed under Pennsylvania statute (Act 89 of 1986, as amended by Act 15 of 2020) in order to address rapidly growing health care costs. PHC4 continues to produce comparative information about the most efficient and effective health care to individual consumers and group purchasers of health services. In addition, PHC4 produces information used to identify opportunities to contain costs and improve the quality of care delivered. For more information, visit or access the survey here.

Media contact:
Barry D. Buckingham, Executive Director, PHC4

225 Market Street, Suite 400
Harrisburg, PA 17101

Phone: (717) 232-6787
Fax: (717) 232-3821