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News for Immediate Release

October 15, 2024

Harrisburg – PHC4 published a new set of County-Level Utilization Reports today, which display the overall total number of inpatient hospitalizations and ambulatory/outpatient cases for Pennsylvania residents.

These reports offer a valuable overview of health care utilization in the Commonwealth. Barry D. Buckingham, PHC4’s Executive Director, believes these quarterly County-Level Utilization Reports are amongst the timeliest data available. “This reporting portrays the current climate of public health in Pennsylvania, and providing the insight at a county-level gives focus and perspective to the information,” said Buckingham.

The information reflects data from acute care, long-term acute care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and specialty hospitals, as well as hospital outpatient departments and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers in Pennsylvania. The reports are updated every quarter and show the number of cases for each county, with breakouts by patient age, sex, and payer. This latest release reflects data from Quarter 1 of 2024.

These County-Level Utilization Reports are invaluable tools for local communities, health care professionals, and policymakers. By fostering a data-driven approach to health care, PHC4 envisions a healthier, more resilient society where resources are allocated effectively, and lives are improved. PHC4 invites all stakeholders to review these reports, available now at By providing this data freely, PHC4 aims to continue to serve our mission of empowering Pennsylvanians through transparency.

PHC4 is an independent council formed under Pennsylvania statute (Act 89 of 1986, as amended by Act 15 of 2020) in order to address rapidly growing health care costs. PHC4 continues to produce comparative information about the most efficient and effective health care to individual consumers and group purchasers of health services. In addition, PHC4 produces information used to identify opportunities to contain costs and improve the quality of care delivered.

For more information, visit or review the report here.

Media contact:
Barry D. Buckingham, Executive Director, PHC4